We believe there are 5-Ps' to creating a great advertising agency. People Passion Persuation Professionalism Profit People An agency is known for the people who walk it's corridors. Hence we believe in attracting, nurturing and retaining the right talent. Passion There ought to be a tremendous sense of pride and love for what you do.... in advertising. Because finally that press or commercial is your creation . This helps in bringing a commitment to excellence and perfection in all that the agency does for a client. Persuation We are in the business of persuasion. How motivating we can be in communication-even if it is selling packaged sand to a camel rider in the Sahara dessert- determines our client's success. Our client's success determines our success. So our efforts will always be in creating new, innovative ways of persuasion. Professionalism Technology, systems, logical and disciplined thinking and integrity. These are all part of being a modern day professional. we need to constantly practice a disciplined in all that we do and upgrade as an agency to match the professionalism that we find in our client organizations. Profit We are in the business for profits. Profits for the employee. A healthy bottom line means healthy minds, which means healthier ideas. |